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Tips for Avoiding Academic Misconduct

Five tips to help you avoid academic misconduct while writing your essays

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Photo of an essay on an open laptop


1. Avoid Plagiarism – Keep a note of the references you use as you draft your assignment and cite your work according to the course reference requirements. Allow enough time to go through your bibliography before you submit your assignment.


2. Avoid Collusion – Be mindful about seeking second opinion from friends and family as this could be viewed as collusion. It is best to discuss ideas with them rather than to get them to physically write or amend the assignment.


3. Be aware of Contract Cheating – If you are struggling to do your assignments, be careful about who you turn to for help. Do not be tempted to buy assignments online or pay someone else to do your work. This may result in serious academic misconduct and you could risk your place at University.


4. Keep Notes and Drafts – When you start doing your assignments, it is good practice to maintain notes and drafts of your work. If you are invited for a (Academic Misconduct) Viva-Voce meeting regarding your assignment, you may be able to use your notes and drafts to prove that you have done your work individually.


5. Get Advice – If you are struggling to meet your deadlines, remember there is a lot of support available at your Students’ Union. Always seek support and advice to avoid academic misconduct. You can contact the Students’ Union Advice service via



  • Academic Misconduct - any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise
  • Bibliography - a list of works (such as books and articles) written on a particular subject or by a particular author
  • Collusion – When two or more students work on an independent assignment or offer to provide work to another student to be passed off as their own
  • Contract Cheating - a form of academic dishonesty in which students pay others to complete their coursework
  • Plagiarism - presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement
  • Viva-voce – Oral examination
