As students, our collective efforts can inspire big changes.
Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword. It’s about ensuring we meet today’s needs without compromising the future. As students, our collective efforts can inspire big changes.
This article will explore some of the impactful ways we can create a greener future – starting right here on campus. Together, we can influence campus culture as well as future behaviours and global impact.
What can you do:
- Be Energy Smart – Being energy smart can go all the way down to the smallest day to day actions such as turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use. During the day, instead of turning on the lights, use natural light or energy-efficient LED bulbs.
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – One of the easiest ways to achieve this is my using and keeping reusable bottles, cups, bags. You can also participate in recycling programs to make sure waste ends up in the right location, if you need to you can request for extra bins.
- Choose Sustainable Transport – There are many ways to travel between destinations so why not consider an extra walk, bike ride or use of public transport rather than a car? If you are travelling with family or friends, you could look to carpool.
- Conserve Water – An easy solution for this would be to shorten the showers you take or consider having a bath. While showers may seem more water efficient it can sometimes have a larger water consumption than a bath. Also make sure you fix any leaks you may have as each drip counts and ensure all taps are fully turned off when not in use.
- Support Local & Sustainable Products – Next time you are out doing your shopping, have a look at some local alternatives that are on offer including seasonal produce, meats and even clothing products.
- Get Involved – Join your local or on-campus sustainability clubs or look at joining local volunteering initiatives such as clean ups or tree planting.
What can I avoid:
- Avoid Single-Use Plastics – Say no to using plastic straws and consider some metal or paper alternatives, instead of using a plastic bag why not invest in a reusable bag to use for all your shops and look at disposable and recyclable utensils.
- Don’t Waste Food – When preparing meals, you can look to arrange portions for multiple meals which you can store in either your fridge or freezer for future consumption, this can also be done with any leftovers.
- Avoid Over Consuming – Sometimes shopping can be a challenge, and we see so much that we want to buy, but sometimes the best option is to look for quality over quantity as this could help save costs for you later if you have necessary products that last longer.
- Don’t Overlook Digital Sustainability – So much in life can be done through the comfort of our mobiles, tablets or laptops, but it is important to take a break from the screens, go outside and enjoy what the world has to offer with some fresh air and hopefully sunshine. Maybe look at adding plants to your study space.
- Say No To Fast Fashion – Second-hand shops could become your new best friend as they are an underestimated supplier of some high-quality products.
- Avoid Ignoring Your Impact – Believe in small changes, they add up and really do make a difference.
Together, we can build a greener future, one step at a time. Let’s adopt these habits, support campus initiatives, and inspire others to do the same. Remember, even small actions today can make a big difference tomorrow!