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The Role of the Students’ Union

  • The Students’ Union organises every aspect of the Made a Difference process
  • We host the awards evening
  • We ensure that everything is student led


  • Nominations can only be cast by current students
  • Once the nominations are received they are checked by HR to ensure they are valid nominations
  • Before nominations are sent to panellists to look through, they are anonymised
  • Nominations are sent to panellists in batches of 50-100, each group of 50-100 is sent to at least 3 panel members

Shortlisting Panels

  • Shortlisting panels are made up entirely of students
  • The final panel (that chooses the winners) has students, a member of staff, and 1-3 externals (externals are either from the National Union of Students, or have a Higher Education/Students’ Union background)
  • Previous final panel members include Rachel Wenstone, NUS VP HE
  • Student panellists are recruited through our volunteering service
  • here are no specific requirements to being a panellist other than you must be a student
  • There is a code of conduct whereby all information discussed in within the shortlisting panels remains confidential


If you would like to know more about the role of a panel member, please click here to see their job description

Made a Difference Awards are student led, co-ordinated by the Students’ Union, and are all about students recognising fantastic, inspirational and life-changing Anglia Ruskin Staff. What makes a truly amazing student experience is identified through the nominations and this feedback contributes to improving all areas of our University.

Anglia Ruskin Students' Union is a company limited by guarantee and a charity registered in England and Wales. Registered Company No. 08064796 and Registered Charity No. 1148574. The registered office of Anglia Ruskin Students' Union is Helmore Building, East Road, Cambridge, CB1 1PT

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