Your Welfare

This page is designed to give you some support when things in your personal life aren't quite going to plan.


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This section outlines our recommended places to go for support with any housing issues you are facing


| Salvation Army |

The Salvation Army operates over 80 supported accommodation services across the UK and the Republic of Ireland. We call these services ‘Lifehouses’ because they are more than a place to stay. They are places where people can get support with their housing issues – but also find support with other aspects of their lives such as employment, debt problems, training, spirituality, loneliness, addiction or mental health.



| Shelter |

Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through our advice, support and legal services. They also campaign to make sure that, one day, no one will have to turn to them for help.



| Crisis |

Crisis works directly with thousands of homeless people every year. They offer one to one support, advice and courses for homeless people in 12 areas across England, Scotland and Wales. How they help someone depends on their individual needs and situation. They also campaign for the changes needed to end homelessness for good.



| Centre Point |

As the UK's leading youth homelessness charity, they run over 60 accommodation services. They work in 15 boroughs in London, Sunderland, Manchester, Bradford and Barnsley. Their services aim to provide security to young people and inform on the causes of homelessness.



| Night Stop |

Nightstop volunteer hosts open their homes to young homeless people facing a night on the streets or sleeping in an unsafe place. Volunteer drivers and chaperones ensure these young people get to a place of safety.

Communities and charities run Nightstop services in more than 30 locations around the UK, led and supported by the Nightstop team at Depaul UK, a national charity for homeless people.



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Below are our recommendations of places to seek help regarding money and debt.


| Step Change |

Provides free debt advice to help deal with debt and set up a solution



| Turn2us |

Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially. Anyone can be a missed pay-cheque, illness or bereavement away from a real financial crisis, which is why we can help you find the support you need to get back on track.


Their benefits calculator takes less than 10 minutes to complete and it will tell you which means-tested benegits you may be entitled to, including tax credits.

Benefits Calculator:

Their Grant Search can help you look for funds that might be able to give you a grant or other types of help.

Grant Search:

Phone:0808 802 2000


| Citizen's Advice |

Debt advisers will be able to provide you information and advice regarding rent arrears, mortgage problems, budgeting, tax advice, pensions, banking, financial advice, dealing with bailiffs and other debt related queries.



| National Debt Advice Line |

Free, confidential helpline for those dealing with debt.



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Two people


This section outlines our recommended places to go for support with any serious issues you might be facing in a relationship.


| Gingerbread |

The Gingerbread Single Parent Helpline provides support and expert advice on anything from dealing with a break-up or bereavement to going back to work or sorting out child maintenance, benefit or tax credit issues. Their expert advisers can provide tailored advice and talk through your options. Your call is free and confidential.

Phone: 0808 802 0925



| Rights of Women |

Our telephone advice lines provide vital free and confidential legal advice to women. It is important that you understand the law and your legal rights. Through our free and confidential legal advice we can help you through the law.

  • Family Law - 020 7251 6577
  • Criminal Law - 020 7251 8887
  • For Women in London - 020 7608 1137
  • Immigration & Asylum - 020 7490 7689



| National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline |

Domestic abuse is any kind of threatening behavior, violence, or abuse between people who have been intimate partners or family members. This includes forced marriage, abuse relating to gender identity or sexuality, and so-called honour-based violence. Domestic abuse can occur between current or former intimate partners or in the family.



Phone: 0800 999 5428

10am – 5pm Monday
10am – 5pm Tuesday
10am – 8pm Wednesday
10am – 8pm Thursday
10am – 5pm Friday
1pm – 5pm Tuesday is trans specific service.


| Refuge |

Are you experiencing, or have you experienced, domestic abuse? You are not alone. Refuge is an organisation for women and children, against domestic abuse.

Freephone 24/7: 0808 2000 247



| Women's Aid |

Women’s Aid is a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services in England and build a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated.




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Persons head

Mental Health


Should you feel in urgent need of medical / psychological care or if you are worried about your safety, please go to your nearest Accident and Emergency (if able to) or dial 999.


| What is "Mental Health?" | Being mentally healthy doesn’t just mean that you don’t have a mental health problem.

If you’re in good mental health, you can:

  • make the most of your potential
  • cope with life
  • play a full part in your family, workplace, community and among friends.

Mental health is everyone’s business. We all have times when we feel down or stressed or frightened. Most of the time those feelings pass. But sometimes they develop into a more serious problem and that could happen to any one of us (Mental Health Foundation).


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Below are some really useful guides for common mental health and wellbeing issues you might be facing as a student. Click on the images to download each interactive guide.

Dealing with difficult situations?

Am I depressed or is it something else?

Settling in to life at ARU

Public Speaking Anxiety

Think you could be suffering from stress?



Internal support for Mental Health

ARU London Counselling and Wellbeing


Whether you are experiencing a personal, social or emotional difficulty the wellbeing department is here to support you. They offer a range of services which includes;

  1. Access to a Student Wellbeing Advisor
  2. Access to a Disability and Inclusion Officer
  3. Access to a Counsellor
  4. Wellbeing Workshops

Should you wish to access any of these support services, or even just want to find out more about how they can support you can;

  1. Visit the ARU London Wellbeing Webpage
  2. Self-refer (self referral forms are available at the iCentre)
  3. Ask your PDT to refer you
  4. Email them -



If you need some professional support, please take a look at some options below:


| YoungMinds |

YoungMinds lead in the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. They also have a crisis support text service across the UK.

Crisis Messenger: 85258

Available 24 hours


| Papyrus |

Advice and support for young people (under 35) who feel suicidal.

HopeLineUK: 08000684141
Text: 07860039967

Weekdays: 9am – 10pm
Weekends: 2pm – 10pm
Bank Holidays: 2pm – 10pm 


| Samaritans |

Mental health support.


National Number: 116123

Available 24 hours

Local Office: 01189266333

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male and female sex icon

Sexual Health

Below are our recommendations of places to seek help regarding any sexual health concerns you might be experiencing.


| Sexual Health London |

SHL.UK is a discreet sexual health service for those in London. Their Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing service is for people who have mild or no STI symptoms, and would like to get themselves checked. You can also request free regular and emergency contraception (effective up to 5 days after unprotected sex) by completing a simple, secure online consultation.

Find a local clinic:



| All East |

All East provide free and confidential sexual health services at centres across East London, providing everything from sexual health screenings (including HIV testing) to contraception services.



| NHS: My Health London |

The NHS provides free and confidential sexual health services across London. Order free tests and kits or read their helpful FAQ page.




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plate, knife and fork

Food Banks

Below are links to local London foodbanks. Where possible we recommend checking their websites or making contact before you arrive to ensure you are eligable and they are open.


London Foodbanks
St George the Martyr

Borough High Street,
E1 1JA

Our referral
Hackney Foodbank Florence Bennett Centre,
Cherbury St,
London N1 6TL
Referral agency
American International Church Soup Kitchen 79a Tottenham Court Rd,
(Entrance in Whitfield Street),
London W1T 4TD
Homeless and marginally homeless; those who do have accommodation which may be temporary or inadequate, or they may be having great difficulty paying their bills
The Trussell Trust  St Mellitus Hall,
Church Rd,
London W7 3BA
Referral agency
Westminster Food Bank Buckingham Gate,
London SW1E 6BS
Referral agency
The Trussell Trust  Highbury Roundhouse Youth & Community Centre,
71 Ronalds Rd,
Highbury East,
London N5 1XB
Referral agency
Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank Christchurch Hall,
67 Studdridge St,
London SW6 3TD
Referral agency
Trussell Trust Camden Food Bank RCCG City Church,
14 Pratt Mews,
London NW1 0AD
Referral agency
Trussell Trust Food Bank 1 Kennington Rd,
London SE1 7QP
Our Referral
Brent Food Bank 21 Neasden Ln,
Church End & Roundwood,
London NW10 2TS
Referral agency
Vauxhall Food Bank 105 Tyers St,
London SE11 5HS
Referral agency
Our Lady of Hal 165 Arlington Road,
Camden Town,
London NW1 7EX
Camden residents
St John's Waterloo 73 Waterloo Road,
Our referral
North London Action for the Homeless St Paul’s Church Hall,
Stoke Newington Road,
N16 7UE
The Trussell Trust  Chalk Farm Baptist Church,
Berkley Rd,
Camden Town,
London NW1 8YS
Referral agency
Stoke Newington Food Bank Church Street,
Stoke Newington,
London N16 9ES
Referral agency
Oasis Centre 1 Kennington Rd,
London SE1 7QP
Our referral
Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church 235 Shaftesbury Ave,
ondon WC2H 8EP
Imperial College Lincoln’s Inn Fields,
London WC2A 3TL

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Below are our recommendations of places to seek help regarding any discrimination-based issues you might be experiencing.


| Crimestoppers |

If you have information about people who commit hate crimes and do not want to talk to the police, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously. You do not have to give your name, you will never have to give a statement to police, or go to court.


Phone (free to call): 0800 555 111


| National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline |

Domestic abuse is any kind of threatening behavior, violence, or abuse between people who have been intimate partners or family members. This includes forced marriage, abuse relating to gender identity or sexuality, and so-called honour-based violence. Domestic abuse can occur between current or former intimate partners or in the family.



Phone: 0800 999 5428

10am – 5pm Monday
10am – 5pm Tuesday
10am – 8pm Wednesday
10am – 8pm Thursday
10am – 5pm Friday
1pm – 5pm Tuesday is trans specific service.


| Victim Support |

Victim Support is the national charity giving free and confidential help to victims of crime, witnesses, their family, friends and anyone else affected. They are not a government agency or part of the police and you don't have to report a crime to the police to get their help. You can call any time after the crime has happened, whether it was yesterday, last week or several years ago.


Phone: 0808 16 89 111



| Equality Advisory Support Services |

The EASS has a Helpline to give information and guidance on discrimination and human rights issues. The service is free and fully accessible by phone, email, fax, post, video link for those who wish use BSL and has access to advocacy services for those with mental ill health and people with a learning disability.



| Galop |

Galop can help if you experience homophobia, transphobia or biphobia wherever it occurs. Talk to them about insults, intimidation, threats, online abuse or violence targeting you because of your sexual orientation or gender identity. They are confidential, independent and based within LGBT+ communities.


Phone: 020 7704 2040


Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm


| Stop Hate UK |

Stop Hate UK is a charity that provides independent and confidential support to people affected by Hate Crime. They provide confidential Hate Crime reporting services in various areas of the UK, including a 24 hour helpline. Please check their list of areas carefully before calling.


24 Hour Helpline:0800 138 1625

Text:07717 989 025