Welcome to the Do Something space

Here you can find all sorts of things to keep you busy in during your first few days


1. Become a Class Rep!


If you are elected as the Class Rep, you will become...

  •   A volunteer
  •  The first point of contact for students within your class
  •  The voice of your classmates, representing your peers to the Course Champions and/or ARU London Staff
  •  A signpost for students who need support outside of the rep role
  •  An ambassador for positive change
  •  Skilled in representation, advocacy, communication, leadership, negotiation and many more

Find out more about becoming a Class Rep here!



<- 2. Keep up to date and chat to us through our Facebook Page



3. Tell us what your think of our new 5 year plan...

4. Answer questions to donate rice...


Practice your English and answer as many quiz-style questions as you can!


Each correct answer donates 1 grain of rice to those in need. 


Click here and enter the Group Code: K6BY3ZWQ to join the ARU London Students' Union Team and add to our rice count!


5. Translate our website

Is English not your first language?

Are you learning a new language that you want to get better at?

Perhaps you have difficulty reading text through a screen?

You can now translate the Students' Union webpage into hundreds of different languages and access lots of different changes to how our information can be viewed.

 Either, click the Accessibility Tools button at the top of this page or the button below to give it a try! 

You can find out more about this clever toolbar here.