• Please use this form to ask any questions you may have about the election.

Election questions

This question will be submitted to the ARU London Manager and answered within 24 hours if you are a candidate. 



The position you're standing for:





E-mail address:




Answered Questions


Q: Can I share the link to my manifesto?

A: Yes, if you click on your manifesto and copy the URL you will be able to share this

Q: Do candidates have individual voting pages? What should I use on my campaign material?

A: All students will be directed to www.angliastudent.com/vote, candidates do not have individual places to vote - this is the link that we recommend you share on your campaign material.

Q: Am I allowed to give out leaflets/flyers to students?

A: Yes you can

Q: Am I allowed to give out a dedicated phone number or email address to students?

A: This is up to you if you wish to share this information with students

Q: Am I allowed to get posters/ leaflets produced externally?

A: Yes as long as you remain in budget/keep receipts

Q: Am I allowed to travel to other campuses by myself? if so am I allowed entry?

A: Yes you can – to travel to East India you will just need to speak to the reception desk and ask for a guest card to visit ARU. They are on the 3rd Floor.

Q: Can I use sellotapes to put up posters across university/classes? or other alternatives?

A: No you cannot use cello tape, we recommend white tac or blue tac.

Q: Am I able to recovers travel costs for travelling to other campuses for campaigning?

A: If you have enough money in your budget to cover this and can bring proof of spend i.e. train ticket.

Q: Am I allowed to campaign until the 20th March?

A: Absolutely

Q: Are you able to give feedback on my three priorities or in general?

A: No unfortunately we are unable to provide any feedback on your campaign materials

Q: Will I be given £15 travel reimbursement if I were to travel using my own car (no receipt will be provided for this)?

A: You would need to work out the exact mileage and bring us a receipt of your petrol, i.e. if you fill up your tank, bring that receipt and we can contribute the amount you have spent on the journey. Alternatively, you are allowed to use your own money if you would like to for travel, this doesn’t have to come out of your budget but you wouldn’t be able to claim this back.