Awards Criteria


On this webpage you will find information regarding the volunteering and skills awards criteria, which is shown below and relevant for ARU London students. Work your way up till level 3!


Getting Started

  • You will have completed and logged 5 hours of volunteering
  • You will have demonstrated and logged 2 development skills

Level 1

  • You will have completed and logged 20 hours of volunteering
  • You will have demonstrated and logged 5 development skills
  • You will have completed the relevant ARUL Employability Award for your year (if applicable)
  • You will have attended and completed 2 additional workshops or training

Level 2

  • You will have completed and logged 36 hours of volunteering
  • You will have demonstrated and logged 10 development skills
  • You will have completed the relevant ARUL Employability Award for your year (if applicable)
  • You will have attended and completed 4 additional workshops or training

Level 3

  • You will have completed and logged 50 hours of volunteering
  • You will have demonstrated and logged 15 development skills
  • You will have completed the relevant ARUL Employability Award for your year (if applicable)
  • You will have attended and completed 6 additional workshops or training


At the end of your academic year, you will be presented with a certificate indicating which tier of award you have achieved to recognise the work you will have done throughout the year.

You will also be able to, at any time throughout the year, download a full transcript of the roles, hours and skills you have recorded on your profile.

As you reach your milestones you can meet with a member of the Employability Team who can help you build your CV and apply your new skills and experience.

For students who achieve the Level 3 award, they can request a letter of reference from the Students’ Union to confirm your contributions.