To celebrate the 12 days of Christmas

we are sharing our 12 months of impact!



150 closed advice cases, from initial appointment to resolution

Your Students' Union Adviser has been working tirelessly this year to help support students through complicated challenges to ensure they receive the best experience possible.

From appeals, disciplinaries, late mitigations and everything in between, our Advice Service is here to support you when don't know where to turn. Click here to find out more.


Students rated our communications over 4 of out 5

You told us that you find our communication methods effective - thanks!

Perhaps you read our student newsletters or follow us on Facebook? We are always on the look out for feedback around how we communicate with you so please do get in touch if you have any thoughts.


We had 26 students stand to be the Vice President

We had 26 awesome students standing to be the Vice President for ARU London!

We have recording-breaking involvement in our ARU London election and we show no signs of slowing down. We love how dedicated and professional our students are when it comes to improving the student experience and we're super excited about The Election 2021...!


We secured two faith spaces

We campaigned with you and worked with the university to ensured your access to two faith spaces.

Last year the decision was made to close the Prayer Room in Farringdon. But thanks to your hard work and feedback we have been able to ensure not just one faith space, but TWO! The University listened to your feedback and acted upon it. Great work.


we elected over 200 students into leadership positions

Over 200 of you have been elected into student leadership positions!

Incredible. This means not only have we had over 200 Student Reps and Project Leaders it also means we've had 200 student volunteers and 200 powerful student voices setting our direction.


16% higher scores in the NSS than the sector

We represent your academic interests, and we do this 16% better than most other Students' Unions!

We work really hard to make sure your voice is heard at all levels of ARU London University. A big part of this is ensuring your academic experience is the best it can be.


NSS results show we have helped students develop useful skills

We have helped you develop useful life skills.

We know that employability is one of the most important priorities of our students which is why we have been embedding this into the heart of what we do. Through training, investing in free LinkedIn headshots for students and working with your Employability Team. 


We supported and funded over 20 student led projects

We have supported and funded over 20 student-led projects this year.

We exist to empower students to develop skills and create whatever opportunites they want to whilst studying with us. Through our Project Group fund we have supported over 20 projects led entirely by students.


We created a brand new representation structure

We created a brand new representation structure.

From your feedback we have created a bigger, better and more effective student representation structure. We now have Class Reps, feeding into Course Champions, then feeding into the Vice President ARU London.


We invested in a translation toolbar for the website

We have invested in a brilliant accessibility toolbar to help with language and reading barriers.

You can now change the language, the font, the size, the background colour and so much more through our new website toolbar. Read more about this here.


We received over 1000 pieces of written feedback

We collected over 1000 pieces of written feedback from you - which has informed our biggest priorities and campaigning work.

Through surveys and focus groups you have made sure that everything we do is led by students. We take seriously every single piece of feedback we receive, so to everyone who gave their thoughts to us this year, thank you.