Does your LinkedIn need updating? Want a more professional photo to use on job applications? Sign up for your FREE headshot below!


We are bringing in a professional photographer to provide you with TWO edited headshots - places are limited so sign up quick!


Each slot with the photographer will be strictly 5 minutes only. You will recieve two photos after they have been edited. 

By signing up you have reserved a space however they will be taken on a first come first serve basis so please arrive promptly.

If you are on the reserves list and there is extra time/cancellations we will put you as a priority.


Please make sure you reserve a place on the correct London Campus.

Farringdon dates:

Tuesday 18th Feb (12:50pm - 13:50pm)

Thursday 20th Feb (12:50pm - 13:50pm)


East India dates

Wednesday 19th Feb (12:50pm - 13:50pm)

Friday 21st Feb (12:50pm - 13:50pm)