Your opportunity to educate, celebrate and empower with Black History Month at ARU London.


What's going on this month?

Black History Month 2020
Rep Elections - Nominations Open
16th September 9am - 4th October 2pm
Stand to be a Class Rep or Course Champion
Elections | Farringdon | East India | ARU London | Volunteering
Republic Welcome Fair
2nd October 11am - 3rd October 2pm
Republic Quad, By the Lake
Come along and join us at the Republic Welcome Fairs
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
Rep Elections - Nominations Close
4th October 1:30pm - 2pm
Stand to be a Class Rep or Course Champion
Elections | Farringdon | East India | ARU London | Volunteering
Rep Elections - Voting Opens
7th October 9am - 11th October 2pm
Have your voices heard and vote in the Rep Elections!
Elections | Farringdon | East India | ARU London | Volunteering
Black History Month - Student Marketplace
9th October 1pm - 2pm
East India, Outside Room 306
Come join us and check out some of our ARUL students' businesses
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
Republic - Ping Pong Showdown
9th October 1pm - 2pm
East India Campus
A fun and competitive ping pong tournament for all skill levels.
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
Explore London Walking Tour
11th October 1pm - 2pm
East India Campus
Discover the hidden gems of London on this guided walking tour.
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
Rep Elections - Voting Closes
11th October 1:30pm - 2pm
Have your voices heard and vote in the Rep Elections!
Elections | Farringdon | East India | ARU London | Volunteering
Black History Month - Movie Over Lunch
14th October 1pm - 2pm
East India, 3rd Floor, Rooms 11 & 12
Come along and join us for a movie over lunch!
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
Visa & Immigration Drop-in Sessions
15th October 1pm - 17th October 2pm
East India Campus
Get expert advice and support on visa and immigration matters.
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
Professional Bootcamp Week
22nd October 1pm - 24th October 2pm
East India Campus
Featuring professional headshots, CV reviews, and a guide to dressing for success.
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
Costume Party
22nd October 5pm - 7pm
East India, 3rd Floor, Rooms 11 & 12
Come along & join us for a fun party!
East India | ARU London | Night-time Events | Evening
ARUL SU Awards 2024
23rd October 1pm - 2pm
East India, Outside Room 306
Join us as we celebrate your successes at our annual awards ceremony!
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
Black History Month - Student Marketplace
24th October 1pm - 2pm
East India, Outside Room 306
Come join us and check out some of our ARUL students' businesses
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
24th October 1pm - 2pm
East India, Outside Room 306
Come along and celebrate Diwali
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
Black History Month - Speaker Panel
31st October 1pm - 2pm
East India, 3rd Floor, Rooms 11 & 12
Come along and join as as we welcome a guest speaker panel!
East India | ARU London | Daytime Events
RSS Feed


Recommended books, podcasts, films and more.

We have put together a bank of different things you can watch, listen to and read to find out more. Click here to have a browse!

Ways to support Black Lives Matter

We have put together some ways that you can help support the movement and your Black family members, friends and colleagues. 

  • Write to your MP- if you want to see change being made within your local government and the policies it passes, write to your MP to express how you feel or what you want to see change.
  • Support the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER)- you can suport CRER by reading and sharing its work. CRER is a strategic anti-racist organisation based in Scotland, whose policy and research work highlights the evidence of the racial inequalities faced by minority ethnic people.
  • Start and continue having open and honest conversations- if you feel like you don’t know enough, or that you want to support your friends and family around you, speak to those closest to you to open up conversation and to carry it on about the topic of racism and Black history. 
  • Educate yourself- in order to have proactice and open conversations, you have to dedicate time and show some initative in wanting to educate yourself rather than relying on others to educate you. Using our resources is a great way to educate yourself on Black history, culture and racism. Educating yourself about these things needs to be something you want to do, so engage with the resources we have suggested or others that you know of.
  • Check in with your friends, family, colleagues who are Black- a lot of the events that have happened recently stir up a lot of trauma for those in the Black community. It means a lot to be kind to someone, and to reach out and see how they are doing.
  • Sign Petitions- and GoFundMe have many petitions you can sign in order to support the BLM movement and to make change to the injustices happening in the UK and across the world.
  • Donate to charities and organisations supporting the movement- there are many charities and organisations which are working towards social justice and equality, to deconstruct institutional and systematic racism, but also to raise awareness and support families you have been directly affected by racism and BLM.

Extra Resources

Below are some extra resources if you want to find out more about how you can celebrate and learn about Black History Month.