Welcome to ARU London's Student & Staff Awards


Make sure you submit your nomination!


This year we have added some new categories to reflect the diverse work and impact of both students and staff!


Submit your nomination here!


The SU Awards is a celebration of the hard work of staff and students, this event also falls in line with the goals we strive to achieve as part of #Project5. Whether students showcase their leadership skills through project management, representing their cohort as a class rep or even playing a role in building the community for students at ARUL, they all deserve full recognition. 

Through the SU awards, we want to connect students and staff in a fun and rewarding event and  bring the ARUL community together!


 I am a student nominating a student, project or staff member 
I'm a Student
I am a staff member nominating a student or project
I'm a staff member


What are the awards I can nominate somebody for?
Awards Categories