Current Vacancies





We exist to represent approximately 35,000 students at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). We are a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. Our activities are managed and supported by 45 professional staff members and 55 part-time student staff who work for us alongside their studies. We have a turnover of approximately £2 million per annum and our activities are spread across campuses in Cambridge, Chelmsford, Peterborough & London.

In addition to our core purpose of being the legitimate representative body for students at ARU, we provide a range of services; academic and welfare advice, support to students running societies and volunteering opportunities in and around the campuses. We also run a bar, a restaurant and a campus shop. Whilst we play an important student representative role that sometimes sees us challenge the University, we work closely with them and support areas of delivery within their strategy.

Current Vacancies

Lay Trustees (2 voluntary roles available), all campuses 

See What It's Like To Work For ARU Students' Union