Business & HR Society

Session with guest speaker Garin Rouch

Topic: Leadership challenges in contemporary organisations

Thu 11 July 2024 17:15-18:15

East India, Import Building, Room 010

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Session with guest speaker Garin Rouch

Contemporary leadership operates in an environment of rapid change caused in large part by globalization, technological advancements, and changing demographics. Leaders must be able to navigate these challenges with sharp insight and adaptable strategies to ensure the success and performance of their organisations. 

Join us for an engaging guest speaker event with Garin Rouch, an award-winning Organisation Development and Design consultant, on 11th July 2024, from 5:15pm to 6:15pm at Room 010, Import Building. With over 18 years of experience supporting top-tier organisations across the globe, Garin brings a wealth of knowledge in strategic objectives, leadership, and organisational transformation. As Chair of the CIPD London Organisation Development, Design, Culture & Transformation Group and Co-Chair of CIPD Central London, he regularly designs events that advance the OD&D and HR professions. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD with an MSc in Systemic Leadership and Organisational Development. Mark your calendars and join us for an inspiring session!