Connect with nature: Free Railworld Wildlife Haven Visit
Thursday 24 April 2025
13:30 – 15:30
Celebrate Earth Month with us at ARU
Could you do with a break and some peace with time to reflect?
Want to explore nature?
Railworld Wildlife Haven - Creating improved biodiversity and habitat for wildlife
Discover this inspiring conservation project led by Brian Pearce MBE. Learn how passionate volunteers turned a derelict coal yard into a thriving inner city wildlife sanctuary. Join them for a guided tour and presentation, where they’ll explain the site’s 'Circular Economy', its strong commitment to sustainability, and the Volunteers 40-year ‘Environmental Mission.’
Meeting point: University House Foyer 13:00 Thursday 24 April
You will be met by some of the Students' Union Team.
Getting to Railworld: We will all walk to the Wildlife Haven. It is about a 20-minute walk from ARU. If you need to request alternative transport please email:
Finishing time: We will visit the Nature Reserve from 13:30 – 3:30pm, we will then all walk back to campus for 16:00
All you need to bring is some outdoor shoes, a waterproof and warm jumper. Maybe bring some snacks too
Purchase your free ticket today to book your place on this activity