Come along and join us on the 3rd Floor Import Building, East India as we take part in the Free Rice Challenge to kick of Student Volunteering Week! Everyday this week the SU team will be about and about looking to build up donations for the UN World Food Program! You can find out more about the challenge here - Home | Freerice
All you need to do is come along and answer as many questions as you would like, for every question you get correct 10 grains of rice are donated to the UN World Food Program!
The SU team will also be around to help you set up a Volunteering Profile with the SU! This will give you access to both internal and external volunteering opportunities that are available with partners to develop key skills and experiences to go alongside your study. A full and downloadable transcript will also be available to you throughout the year. You can find out more about volunteering and set up your profile here - My Profile