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Candidate for the position of Vice President (ARU London)

Image for Anisha Hall

Anisha Hall

Hi everyone,

                       My name is Anisha Hall.


I am currently studying Health and Social Care to achieve the qualification I require to set up my own Care Company for individuals and families with complex disabilities.

I firmly believe in the success of every single student in my class and the university; this is why I am determined to support individuals to achieve the best they can throughout their academic studies at the Anglia Ruskin London University.

Being the Class Rep for my class have enlightened me on issues that can affect our learning therefore if the opportunity is granted to for me to be Vice President of ARU London.

 My goals are:


-          To train other Reps to put in plans or procedures in case of absent teachers



-          To have a strong student voice where decisions can be challenged in a way that we will get results



-          To support and direct students to relevant and appropriate services in areas that affect education.


Also I have experience in areas such as housing, social services and working with disabilities of various kinds.


Thank you!