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Candidate for the position of Vice President (ARU London)

Image for Janette Tabanor

Janette Tabanor

Nomination for Vice President:

‘Bringing visibility, experience and activism to the students of ARU London’


My name is Janette Tabanor, I am a second year law student at ARU’s London Campus and I am putting myself forward for the role of ‘Vice President’ of the Student Union 2018. I am putting myself forward for the role of ‘Vice President’ because I am a loyal activist, and believe that  informing and empowering fellow students and faculty with advice and signposting, is a role that I would be well suited to and very confident of fulfilling with a representative, balanced and collaborative approach. The role of Vice President would be an ideal opportunity  for me to offer my support, leadership skills, encouragement and life experience to students at the London Campus.



Before becoming a mature Student I worked for over twenty years in Education in a number of roles, working with a range of students, teaching and support staff and parents, providing representation, advocacy and advice. In addition to these substantive roles, from September 1992 to September 2016 I was the Support Staff Representative for GMB (General, Municipal, Boilermakers) and Unison.


I am trained in facilitation, mediation and restorative and resolution management  for Teaching staff, Students and Parent /Carers. I managed meetings for Union members and facilitated the engagement of SLT (Senior Leadership Team) and other stakeholders to  union meetings, creating an environment of collaboration and joint purpose. This joint working provided staff with reassurance  and clarity around proposed changes.


I am committed to the sharing and dissemination of information for the best interest of all students, and these are skills and practises that I would transfer and utilise in the role as ‘Vice President’



As vice President I want students at ARU London to know that being part of the union is a great opportunity that provides a forum for networking, sharing information, ideas, and  university issues. As Vice President I would deal with situations brought to my attention with an impartial, balanced, pragmatic approach, observing the students right to confidentiality within a realistic time frame. I look to perform all my duties with competence that would complement the President in achieving the best outcome for all concerned.


I have established a good relationship with my class colleagues as well as 1st, 2nd  and 3rd year students. I am a member of the Law Society which has given me the opportunity to have a broader view and understanding of how to navigate ARU, the experience from which I will share with my fellow students. In January I was nominated as student representative of the month, for which I am very appreciative of, particularly in terms of the recognition from fellow students. In addition, I have a good relationship with the faculty staff and the support staff at Anglia Ruskin, something that I believe is of great significant to the role of Vice President.