My name is Wambui Gitau and I am running for President of our Student Union. I am a 3rd year Biomedical Science student.
During my time at ARU I have always strived to enjoy my life as a student. I am approachable, friendly and confident. I have worked alongside many students in University and interacted with them in all levels.
My aim is to create a strong sense of solidarity between the SU and its student members.
How have I been involved with the University?
- Student Representative in First year with CRIC.
- Athena Swan member 2017/2018.
- Student ambassador.
What will I do?
- Collaborate with other universities to create more activities that will enhance student experience and encourage student participation.
- Ensure the university keeps working towards providing placements for all courses that would benefit our students.
- Introduce a student reading week mid-semester for all courses to ease the pressure from assignments.
- Organise more course-related trips.
I’ll endeavour to make your student experience at ARU as fulfilling as it can be in any way I can.
The key to achieving most of these would be through increasing student participation and awareness to make this a diverse and more welcoming environment as this will be your home away from home for the next few years or so.