View Manifesto


Candidate for the position of Vice President (Science and Engineering)

Image for Alexander Towey

Alexander Towey

FST Vice President Manifesto

Alexander Towey

BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering (yr 3.)

Primarily my ambition is to help support the Science and Technology faculty with future student development and enagement with regard to their respective course skills. I aim to organise and run a series of events for students to improve and apply their various skills in individual and team based challenges.

I feel during my time at ARU my most memorable experiences were those when i met others from Electronics, Audio, Computing and Life Sciences courses. Speaking with them helped widen my perspective and made me appriciate the various applications our shared cooperation and knowledge can achieve. As VP my intention would be to create more oppertunities for other students to interact and obtain these experiences.

I hope to build and research many amazing things along side students and staff, to foster enthusiasm promote skills for other other university affiliates to come and share, aiming to cooperatively learn about the amazing things the FST students have to offer. Another core aspect i wish to represent is in assisting the students representation and giving meaningful feedback to faculty to help improve the expeirence obtained from each module and course event.

My daily routine would involve speaking with students and their course reps, commitee members, facuty, external companies and organisations to gather intelligence and generate strategies for student event enagement, invite various speakers to talk on a range of topics. Posting information and organising possibilities of sponsered competitions as well as represeting the facuty and the wider student ecosystem on all important topics.

Together we can realise an incredible amount of success by sharing and developing our skills. In the ever advancing world we sit on the tip of a powerful spear and should make every oppertunity to advance setting a good example and raising the standards for those that follow us. All students are equal in their oppertunity to learn and be ambitious. I hope to serve you well and help you lead massive achievements in your ventures and academic careers. All i ask in return is to be hardworking and assist in making our univeristy ever more prosperious.