View Manifesto


Candidate for the position of Vice President (Health, Medicine and Social Care)

Image for Eliza Torres

Eliza Torres (SU 4 YOU)


Vote Eliza Torres

#1 for Students Union Vice President of FHSCE and FMS

I am the current Vice President for both the Faculty of Health, Social Care, Education and Medical Science.

I have ran four successful campaigns for students and in collaboration with you. My FREE monthly cross campus De-stress events, Cultural GIAG, You Are Irreplaceable Mental Health campaign and 3Vs (Voice, Visibility and Validation) for BME students campaign.  

As a Vice President I have liaised with appropriate faculty members, course reps and faculty reps to ensure that the student voice is being heard; that YOUR student experience is that much better. I have made connects and heard what students want. In this next year if I am Re- Elected I will be focusing on the key areas below.

Key Manifesto points:
1) Mature student space
2) Continued Cultural GIAG and minority group representation
3) More lobbying against cuts to the NHS and fighting for bursaries for paramedic students; nursing students.
4) Continued FREE cross campus Monthly De-stress events

Standing up because of YOU, for YOU