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Candidate for the position of Race Equality Rep (Chelmsford)

Image for Miranda Gayle

Miranda Gayle

Miranda Gayle for Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Students' Rep (Chelmsford)

It is important to note that 'BME' stands for Black & Minority Ethnicity, is the terminology normally used in the UK to described people of non-white descent.

As a BME Student Rep, I want to create spaces for Black people, making sure our voices are recognised at ARU and I hope to see such spaces become a platform for mobilisation and change. 


About Me

I'm a first year MA Social Work Student (Chelmsford) and I'm also the student rep for my class which I really enjoy.

I am easy-going and approachable, and if elected would welcome input from students about how to better shape the BME Rep because I want to root this position in our everyday experiences as BME Student Rep at ARU.


My Plans

Research: Organise focus groups and survey to include your input in the way I shape the BME Student Rep position

BME Network:  Create a network with the relevant societies where we can meet regularly so we can work together and support each other in our different campaigns. 

Black History Month:  Organise a series of events involving societies and complementing this event

Equality and Diversity Board:  Ensure that black student's voices are heard and taken seriously, representing the concerns of black students through continuous feedback sessions.