View Manifesto


Candidate for the position of Vice President (ARU London)

Image for Gabriel Veloso

Gabriel Veloso




My name is Gabriel Veloso. I am a student, a top achiever, and a student ambassador. Now, with the support of my fellow students, I intend to apply my skills to fulfill the role of vice president of ARU London. Having this role means that I can work toward improving the experience of everyone who attends this university, starting with the following three aims: 


My initial aim is to provide collective representation for all students. I intend on maintaining contact with representatives from every classroom, as well as visiting classrooms myself to make note of concerns and areas for improvements. I believe that there is strength in numbers and unity, so small or large, I will ensure these topics are expressed and do everything in my power to see results.


Secondly I aim to develop the community spirit within our university. I have been asked time and again through my time as a student ambassador about societies, of which this university currently has too few. I will push for the development of more societies where people can meet and socialise, develop their abilities, and ultimately, have fun together.


Lastly, food… An important part of all our lives! Those who bring food from home will by now have realised that there is nowhere to heat food up in the premises, and whilst health and safety regulations are said to be the reason for this, I believe we can work together to meet regulatory standards, and so I will strive for the addition of microwaves in the building for students use. I will also consult with local businesses to see if discounts can be arranged for students of ARU London.


My role as a student ambassador has allowed me the opportunity to meet and guide many students during their induction. I’ve heard and answered concerns to the best of my ability, many of which I once had myself, however if there is one thing that I’ve learned through my experience is that some concerns cannot be answered with words, but instead must be responded to with actions.


Now I’m no politician so I won’t lie to my fellow students, I cannot guarantee that all the changes I desire for the betterment of this university will come to be. However, what I am is an honest and dedicated student, so what I can guarantee is that I will do everything in my power to make the experience for students of ARU London, a better one, and together, I believe we can make this university the best it can be.


Gabriel Veloso