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Candidate for the position of President

Image for Randolph Fields

Randolph Fields

I am a 3rd year Politics student, Course rep, and National Conference Delegate for ARU.

If I am elected to be president of the Anglia Ruskin students union I will continue the amazing level of growth our campus has experienced such as the new SU office next to Peter Taylor as well as the less apparent but just as vital signs of a healthy and eclectic campus such as the many societies and clubs. Indeed we need a new boom of growth in new societies to cater for more individual interests. As well as growth of activities and experiences of students I also will support the increasing dialogue between the student union and the university staff, as only through consistent frank dialogue can we further improve upon our academic standing as a university with high quality of teaching and results. The work of the student union in the past has been positive and sustained and I will build upon this further, the work of the campaign reps for minorities have been invaluable and they will receive the utmost attention and influence in the decision making process of the SU. This is because at the heart of ARU and what makes it a great university is its diversity and the ability for everyone to form their own distinct identity as an individual. This has been the best part of ARU for me. If I am elected I will make sure everyone sees our university as a welcoming free atmosphere where they can expand to their limits.