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Candidate for the position of Race Equality Rep (Cambridge)

Image for Blessing Raimi

Blessing Raimi (SU 4 YOU)

Vote Blessing Raimi #1 for
Black & Minority Ethnic Students' Rep, Cambridge

I am currently the BME Students' Rep for ARU Cambridge, campaigning to advocate for BME inclusivity and awareness. I would like to continue with this campaign, focusing on three key aims.

1. Black History Month

Increased historical awareness regarding black history
Education & engagement with the wider student body
Celebration of culture through collaborative events

2. Student Voice

Your concerns addressed through student forums
Addressing BME mental health awareness at ARU
Challenging lack of diversity within the curriculum

3. Unity In Diversity

Unifying events for students across minority groups
More inclusive activities throughout the year
Highlighting what makes us unique and what unites us

For this election I am teaming up with:

Johanna Korhonen (President)
Eliza Torres (Vice President FHSCE&FMS)
Jamie Hall (Vice President LAIBS)
Zinnia Thorpe (Vice President FST)

Let's make this an #SU4YOU