I believe is important to have a good method while doing your job. If you do, you know what your results will be, and you know you will get them through legitimate means. So, I shall inform you on the four practices I would do in my job as Vice President if elected.
Deescalation will be used in situations where there is trouble. When issues arise, it is important to deal with them firmly but it is also important to deal with them through deescalation. So, the situation cannot gain more problems than what has already occurred and the solution that will get rid of the problems that occurred will be prioritised. With this be less worry about needing help with the problems and faith in our solutions.
Precision is needed when there is issue or goal in a complex situation. If the wrong thing is focused upon a medal with it can have catastrophic effects. So, it is better to identify the section that need to be altered (by highlighting it and justifying it as a thing that needs to be altered) and only change that. For more the solution needs to be precise and deal with the actual problem there is no need to implement a solution that only half works when you can solve the entire problem.
Standardisation will allow for fairness when everybody has to go through the same process, they will be managed to be looked at equally. This will stop anybody having the details their case overlooked especially compared to someone who may get luckier with their treatment.
Clarification will allow everyone to be more secure in what they’re doing and more optimised in doing those tasks. If things are made sure to be clear then everybody will know what they are doing and why are doing it they will not get stuck in the middle of the next job and there will be less delays which will secure were high-quality well-done tasks. This will be beneficial for people in the student union and the people used to student union.