View Manifesto

Candidate for the position of Vice President (Science and Engineering)



Hello, I am Zayeem Shaib, a second-year mechanical engineering student. I am running for the 
position of Vice President for Faculty Representation with a vision to enhance the educational 
experience in our faculty. My manifesto outlines the core principles that I stand for: openness, 
innovation, collaboration, interconnected campuses, and a living STEM campus. 
Values matter. 
Being open 
• Transparency: My approach is based on talking to people in an open and honest way. I 
promise that faculty choices and conversations will be clear. 
• Easy Access to Information: In a world that is becoming more globalised quickly, 
Information is very important. I will make sure that engineering and science kids can 
Always get information that will help them learn and get better. 
Innovation through Trying New Things 
• Advancing Innovation: My background in science and engineering drives me to 
advance innovation. I'll tell our kids to push the limits. 
• I encourage fellow students to question the norms and try new things by encouraging 
them to explore and think creatively. 
• Collaboration for Better Education teamwork: I know how important it is to work 
together to make progress. As someone who has worked to connect the business and 
school worlds, I can help create exchanges and partnerships that make education 
• Diverse Training Options: These agreements will give students a lot of different ways to 
to learn and get trained. 
Connected  campuses 
• Getting more people connected: I see our campuses as places where thoughts about 
Science and technology can easily flow together. 
• Cross-Disciplinary Interaction: For academic communities to be healthy, it must be 
easy for students from different areas to work together and talk to each other. 
STEM Campus: 
An Experimenting Field That Encourages a Living Laboratory: The STEM Campus should be 
a place where people come together to learn and try new things. I'll use my drive and 
knowledge to turn our school into a place where new ideas are born. 
Changing the Boundaries of Learning 
Our work together will change how science and engineering are taught. 
Innovate, collaborate, and use Excel. 
Vote Zayeem for engineering's and science's future.