Terms and Conditions

By submitting a Business Blog you are agreeing to the following conditions:


  1. You must be a registered Anglia Ruskin student. You are a student within the Business and Law faculty.
  2. Once a blog has been approved, it will be published on the Business Blogs website.
  3. Students must include their name, course and year of study in their blog.
  4. Anyone can view the blog, including friends, lectures, employers; they do not need to be logged in. But you must be a registered ARU student to comment on a current blog.
  5. All years of study are welcome to submit a blog on any course within the Business and Law faculty.
  6. Students can use links, hashtags and attach appropriate and suitable images to their blogs.
  7. Any one student can submit a maximum of two blogs a month.
  8. No offensive or negative language will be used in the blog.
  9. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated and any blogs/comments that are found to be inappropriate will be removed and the individual will be contacted.
  10. Respect must be given to students who choose to use any pronoun.  
  11. If you need to report a blog or have any complaints, please follow our formal complaints procedure.
  12. Students may blog about their university experience including: modules; volunteering; representation (Course Representatives/Campaign Representatives/Faculty Representatives); business intern program; course-based societies; and activities.


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