We've rebranded!
This year we embarked on a project to create a new vision, mission and strategy for the Students’ Union and give our brand a much needed refresh.
We worked with Red Brick research to find out what was most important to our members. Over 3500 students took part in the research which included surveys and focus groups. We found that our members see the Union’s number one priority to be working to make Anglia Ruskin a place in which they can reach their full potential. Our role is to create the opportunities and structures in which students are able to realise their ambitions. Our new vision is ‘Students Creating Success Together’.
What we do day-to-day should be the catalyst for students to realise their ambitions. By creating ways for students to collaborate with each other, run our societies, be leaders, campaign and volunteer their time we’re confident they will achieve their own version of success, whatever shape that takes.
With this renewed vision and purpose we set out developing our brand. Our brand is how we act, how we sound, how we look and ultimately how we live our values of being; determined, collaborative, honest and inclusive.
Our name
With the opportunity to re-brand, it was first most important to establish how the Union should be referred to. All options were considered with most dismissed until the most succinct and easily understood solution was agreed upon. Our members refer to Anglia Ruskin University simply as ARU and our brand should reflect that – ARU Students’ Union is clear and understandable. We know many of our members will still refer to us as ‘the SU’ and that is just fine, but you’ll start to see ARU Students’ Union on everything we do from here on out.
The design of the logo
The logo should communicate the union’s character: to be ‘agents of transformation’. The design of the logo suggest movement, change, cycle and process. The ribbon flips and transforms, changing colour as it reaches the words ‘Students’ Union’.

You’ll start to see, feel and hear elements of our new branding as we launch over summer 2016.