Awards Categories

SU Community Award 2024

1 award, across the campuses. A panel decides from the nominations of all categories.

This award is to recognise a group or individual(s) who champion everything it means to be part of the ARU SU Community - collaborative, creative, inclusive, sustainable and challenging. The winner(s) should consistently demonstrate and highlight the importance of our values.


  • Campaigning to raise awareness on a specific issue such as homelessness or pollution.
  • Adapting events or activities to ensure everyone is welcome and included.
  • Challenging the University to make positive or impactful change. 
  • Leading a campaign or project which improves student life at ARU.

Project/Event of the Year

1 award, across the campuses. Students and staff nominate and a panel decides.

This award is to recognise a student-led project or event that has had a direct and sizeable impact on its community. This could be a one off event or regular activity. The winning project should be an event, a campaign, a fundraising activity or a voluntary project that has benefited other ARU students or the local communities of our campuses.


  • Organising a collection of donated items for charity or those in need. 
  • Leading a fundraising event for a local or national charity.
  • Running a weekly peer support activity for students.

Society of the Year

1 award, per campus (Cambridge, Peterborough and Chelmsford). Students and staff nominate and a panel decides.

This award is to celebrate an SU club or society who has gone above and beyond to create a positive community for their members. The winners should have run regular events or activities for their members. They will have made a positive contribution to their members’ overall university experience and have shown a commitment to their group and to making it sustainable.


  • A society who has hosted a range of varied, exciting and impactful events for their members. 
  • A course based society running study skills sessions or guest speaker talks for the benefit of other students.
  • A sports society competing at a high level.  

Rep of the Year

1 award, per campus (Cambridge, Peterborough and Chelmsford). Students and staff nominate and a panel decides.

This award is to celebrate someone who has gone above and beyond in their duties as a Student Representative. The winner of this award will be highly committed to their role, engage with relevant meetings and maintain contact with their peers, academic staff and the Students' Union. 


  • A Course Rep who has remained dedicated to gathering their peers' feedback throughout the academic year.
  • A Campaign Rep who has delivered campaigns or activities that support the students they represent.
  • A Faculty Rep who has worked collaboratively to get changes made in their faculty. 

Volunteer of the Year

1 award, across the campuses. Students and staff nominate and a panel decides.

This award is to recognise an individual who has devoted their time to volunteering with, or for, the Students’ Union. The winner will be an individual who has gone above and beyond while volunteering in the local community or within roles at the Union.

Example roles:

  • Community Volunteer
  • Course Rep
  • Faculty Rep
  • Campaign Rep
  • Committee Member

Outstanding Contribution Award

1 award, across the campuses. Students and staff nominate and a panel decides.

This award is to recognise an amazing individual who could easily win more than one SU award. The winner will have gone above and beyond in a number of roles and will be an ambassador for the work and values of the Students' Union. They will be a champion for improving the student experience on campus.


  • During their time at ARU they would have made an invaluable difference to a variety of students in a variety of different roles.