Nicola Dandridge, Chief Executive of the Office for Students
Claire Sosienski Smith, VP Higher Education, NUS
Professor Aletta Norval, DVC Education, Anglia Ruskin University
Friday 29th May / Zoom (at your house!)
This edition's theme will be 'TRANSITIONS'.
A conference usually existing face-to-face, we have decided instead to go forward with a remote experience. Nevertheless, we are confident that we will be able to retain all of the qualities that make typical conferences such valuable experiences and are excited by the opportunities this set up presents.
We recognise that there has been some delay in announcing the conference, due to the dramatic changes in working patterns and thus the time taken to reconsider the conference format. With that in mind, we are working from a short timeline – but we believe that all delegates will still be able to put forward some amazing presentations!
Let’s come together in all the ways that we can, to share best practices and inspire one another to keep going in a time of great change. We will be providing a Retreat Room, which will be a great opportunity for all the usual networking, as well as providing scope for activities to help us all unwind! Furthermore, we know the value of a good tea break, so will be doing our best to replicate them from afar.
If you registered for the conference, but have not heard from us for the pre-conference survey, please email r.guy@angliastudent.com.
Below is the full programme; please click on the individual rooms beneath to find Zoom links and session descriptions.

If you have any questions, please don't hestitate to email Rose Guy, r.guy@angliastudent.com.