International Festival

Make student life unforgettable

Your Students’ Union is pairing up with The International Advice Service to bring you a week of events embracing what students love about their home country. Students will be bringing food, music, dance and workshops from all over the world in this huge celebration of culture and national pride.
The festival will be taking place during February, with the two big events on the 10th Feb in Chelmsford and the 12th Feb in Cambridge.
There will be sports events, language taster sessions, hot food, a lion dance and loads more. DON'T miss it.

To find out about the Chelmsford event on the 10th Feb, and to buy a ticket for our "Wear Your Flag" after party please click HERE.

To find out about the Cambridge event on the 12th Feb, and to buy a ticket for our "Wear Your Flag" after party please click HERE.

Any questions please let Megan or Sarah know:



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ARU Students' Union is a company limited by guarantee and a charity registered in England and Wales.
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