News Article

The ARU Students' Union Gender Expression Fund

The Union recognises the potential financial burden that can be faced by students undergoing any level of gender identity transition. To ensure students can live as their most authentic self, regardless of their economic background, we have created this fund to allow students of any means to buy items that most match their identity.

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Text reading "Gender Expression Fund" above a transgender pride flag Text reading "Gender Expression Fund" above a transgender pride flag

The Union recognises the potential financial burden that can be faced by students undergoing any level of gender identity transition. To ensure students can live as their most authentic self, regardless of their economic background, we have created this fund to allow students of any means to buy items that most match their identity. The project was led by a trans member of staff at the SU, and other trans staff and students were consulted in its development.

The GEF is for the purchase of items that can help trans (trans being used as an umbrella term including non-binary and other non-cisgender identities) live as their true self. This could include chest binders; packers; tucking underwear; makeup, and clothes that align best with a trans person’s identity. You can also use this fund to pay for travel to and from therapies and medical appointment, or to pay for a registered deedpoll. This fund does not cover paying for long-term therapy or medical treatments; however, you could use it to pay for travel to and from appointments.

To access the GEF:

  • You must be currently studying at Anglia Ruskin University
  • You must have a trans identity (transgender; non-binary; gender-diverse/questioning; etc.)

If you wish to apply for money from the GEF or read more about it, head to



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