Petition to Declare a Climate Emergency

Planetary Massacre: An Appeal to Anglia Ruskin University


The window for acting against climate change is rapidly closing. For over 30 years concrete science has been wilfully ignored. Our government continues to focus on wealth creation and growth, squeezing every last drop of profit from our dying planet. They fail to realise growth cannot continue infinitely on a finite planet, that there are severe consequences to ignoring scientific evidence.

They do not care for the many lives they have and continue to condemn to death through in-action.

They do not care about the magnitude of suffering this generation will experience in their tumultuous lifetimes.
WE - and the generations that follow us - will be the ones that will be most affected by climate change!
WE will be the ones to explain to our children why they must starve, burn, drown or live in poverty to an extent that is beyond imagination.
WE will be the ones to watch in terror as our fresh water dwindles, our soil corrodes and the vast diversity of life is evaporated before our eyes.
WE will be the ones to whimper ALONE as life is extinguished from this planet.

The capitalist system for organising our economy has failed us. Politicians and representatives have failed us. NGO’s and advocates have failed us. Previous generations have failed us. The option for gradual incremental reforms and changes have been woefully denied to us. The deadline is upon us and our only options left are radical and ambitious. Society may have failed us, but we will not fail. We will bequeath a vibrant and living planet to our children at all costs!

The university is responsible for educating the public, disseminating information and addressing global issues. It has failed us. We recognise ARU has achieved many great things. It is not enough! Our existence depends on more being done.


We demand that ARU declares a climate emergency and acts accordingly.

The university must commit to:
1. Carbon neutrality by 2030
2. Development of a Climate Emergency Plan with the support of staff and students
3. Deploy all available resources to support the university tackle this existential challenge
4. Ceasing any plans for non-sustainable growth.
5. Educate students and staff about the true horrors that face our species.
6. Development of sustainability modules accessible to all staff and students.


We give you our wealth in the form of tuition fees. We cannot allow this money to be spent on the wilful negligence that is non-action. Failure to act in accordance to the gravity of the crisis will result in students being compelled to take action, ultimately denying you this source of profit.

We will not fund our own destruction.

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