Equal Opportunities Policy

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

  • 1.0 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement
  • 2.0 Principles
  • 3.0 Objectives
  • 4.0 Policy Implementation
  • 5.0 Role of Union Steering Group
  • 6.0 Complaints and Reporting

1.0 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement

1.1 Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union strives to create an environment that is free from discrimination and exploitation and challenges action deemed to contravene this ethos.
1.2 Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union as a membership organisation, as an employer and as a service provider is committed to recognising and supporting equality and diversity.
1.3 Inclusion and Accessibility are central values of our organisation and we seek to ensure all our services and activities are accessible and inclusive. We endeavour to uphold both the right of individuals to feel valued and respected, and the responsibility of individuals to act without prejudice.

2.0 Principles Of This Policy

This policy exists to:
2.1 Ensure that Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union is proactive in promoting equality of opportunity.
2.2 Ensure sanctions are in place to deal with those that fail to comply with the procedures and guidelines.
2.3 Commit the Union to monitoring who engages with our events, activities and opportunities and working with under-represented groups to increase their engagement.

3.0 Policy Objectives

3.1 Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union needs to represent its diverse membership. The Union aims to work towards elimination of discrimination and the provision of equality of opportunity for its members and employees.
3.2 In recognising this, the Union has the following objectives:
3.2.1 To create and sustain a positive and welcoming environment for all members, visitors and staff.
3.2.2 To increase the participation of all members in order to better reflect the student community in which we operate.
3.2.3 To monitor and where needed, increase the accessibility of information for students and staff.
3.2.4 To consult with our membership to ensure we deliver accessible and relevant events, activities and opportunities.
3.2.5 To ensure that officers and staff are aware of the diversity of the Union’s membership.
3.2.6 To increase awareness within the organisation of the needs of disadvantaged groups in order to provide more relevant service and prevent discrimination from occurring.
3.3 Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union Advice Service Manager will provide staff support and focus for campaigning, research and other activities that promote and defend equal opportunities and challenge prejudice and discrimination.

4.0 Policy Implementation

4.1 All staff and members are responsible for ensuring that their individual actions and areas of responsibility comply with this policy and the code of practice.
4.2 This policy applies to all sites on which the Union carries out its activities.
4.3 Serious breaches of the policy may be treated as disciplinary issues.

5.0 Role of the Union Steering Group

5.1 Overall responsibility for equality, diversity and inclusion issues, and this policy, lies with the Union’s Trustees. This responsibility is delegated to the Union Steering Group.
5.2 The Union Steering Group is responsible for the regular review and update of this policy, and shall implement control mechanisms to ensure that Union activities comply with this policy.
5.3 In particular the Union Steering Group shall;
5.3.1 Receive statistics and reports on the usage of Union services and activities in an annual equality and diversity report presented by the Advice Service Manager.
5.3.2 Amend and approve action plans from managers in order to address any issues in terms of the usage of Students’ Union services and activities.
5.3.3 Review and make suggestions for amendments for Union publicity, communications and publications.
5.3.4 Review and make recommendations to Union Council on its make-up to ensure that all areas of the University community receive adequate representation.
5.3.5 Conduct an annual accessibility audit of all Union premises and facilities.
5.3.6 Receive and discuss information and feedback from staff, officers and members in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion issues and make recommendations as appropriate.
5.3.7 Receive and monitor completed Equality Impact Assessments as appropriate.

6.0 Complaints and Reporting

6.1 Comments or concerns about this policy should be referred to the Advice Service Manager in the first instance.
Contact Details:
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
Cambridge Campus
Peter Taylor House
East Road,
Telephone: 01223 460008
Email: info@angliastudent.com
Chelmsford Campus
1st Floor, Tindal Building
Bishop Hall Lane,
Telephone: 01245 258 178
Email: info@angliastudent.com
Peterborough Campus
Room GUI107d,
Guild House,
Oundle Road,
PE2 9PW.
Telephone: 0845 196 5560
Email: info@angliastudent.com
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